Posts Tagged ‘ george glass ’

Have you seen that episode

of the ‘Bunch where Jan Brady can’t land the hottest boy in her school: Clark Tyson.  It can make me cry, really.  Just picture it: she sneaks away with a bowl of lemons and scrubs her face with them to try and acid-away the ugly, only to burst out crying in the middle. That’s good stuff right there. She ends up being so frustrated with her life that she invents her own boyfriend, George Glass.  George Glass, as Jan describes, is the ideal man: tall, dark, handsome.  He carries her books in the hallway and her tray at lunch.  That’s all I want, too.  Where’s my George Glass? I’m exactly like Jan Brady

Okay. I haven’t taken a lemon to the face yet (well, once I used an avocado half…be warned, try a small test area first) but I have had more than my fair share of disasters.

Hopefully, you’ll (whoever you are) read my little stories and laugh at my misadventures, or find some sort of appreciation for the greater tragedy of it all.  Whatever your fancy–be entertained.